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Latinska ordspråk och talesätt – Wikipedia
Quality: Reference: Anonymous. Latin. 2021-04-10 · ultima ratio regis. [Ge]‘The king's final argument’, an inscription commonly found on Spanish royal cannon. Access to the complete content on Oxford Reference requires a subscription or purchase. Public users are able to search the site and view the abstracts and keywords for each book and chapter without a subscription. 2021-04-08 · And this is the real secret behind Ultima Ratio Regum, the chains of meaning we described earlier are achieved by having some procedural generators read the output of other generators as use that According to Urban Dictionary, being ratioed (sometimes spelt "ratio'd") is when "a reply to a tweet gets more likes than the tweet it was replying to usually indicating the unpopularity or stupidity of the original tweet." For example, if your tweet got 10 likes but a reply got 10,000 likes, you have sadly been "ratioed".
The PGM Ultima Ratio is intended to fulfill an anti-personnel role and is produced by PGM Précision of France. ulterior-motives. ulteriour. ultima. ultima-ratio.
ultima-ratio. ultimacies.
Latinska citat - bijweb.com
As I align the sight’s reticule on the rain-hazed figure barely a dozen meters away, I can feel it deep within my bones. Ultima ratio. Ultima ratio ( łac.
Företagsdemokratin och MBL - Stockholm School of Economics
ULTIMA RATIO ULTIMA VOLUNTAS TESTATORIS EST PERIMPLENDA SECUNDUM VERAM… Latin, meaning The last will of a testator is to be fulfilled TESTATOROne who makes or has made a testament or will; one who dies leaving a… VOLUNTASLatin: Properly, volition, purpose, or intention, or a design or the feeling ul· ti· ma ra· tio re· gum | \ ˈu̇l-ti-mä-ˌrä-tē-ō-ˈrā-gu̇m. How to pronounce ultima ratio regum (audio) \.
Filters he made the balance the ultima ratio of the laboratory,
Nach Ultima Ratio und Human Traffic bringt der Heimathafen Neukölln mit Haroun abermals eine Live-Graphic-Novel auf die Bühne, deren Bilder jeden Abend neu vor den Augen der Zuschauer entstehen. After Ultima Ratio and Human Traffic brings the home port Neukölln with Haroun once again a live graphic novel on the stage, whose images are created every night before the eyes of the audience. This mechanism, complementing International Monetary Fund financing, has to be considered ultima ratio, meaning in particular that market financing is insufficient. 24. This is part of the lyrics of the song "Oh Come to Ultima Thule Please" which draws a picture of what might be called Ultima Thule in the farthest south of China. What does ultimas mean?
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El principio ha puesto en relieve el carácter represivo del sistema de justicia penal y se ha convertido en el último recurso del legislador. The Spanish Civil War was a conflict that had a profound influence on many 1930s artists, especially poets, such as Stephen Spender.
Latin- English dictionary - Dictionary of All Language. PGM Ultima Ratio Sniper Rifle | 3D model. first impressions Yes that is correct - you can spot the stainless part of the barrel just behind the muzzle brake.
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Then, a Latin phrase "Ultima Ratio Regum", Ultima ratio/ultima ratio regum is a fairly well known latin phrase, but it looks like the full phrase is "The Last Resort of Kings and Common Men". I can't find a 13 Iun 2019 Definition of ultima ratio regum in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of ultima ratio regum. What does ultima ratio regum mean? Information dict.cc German-English Dictionary: Translation for Ultima Ratio. Translation for: 'Mors ultima ratio' in Latin->English dictionary. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs.