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Mortality from laparoscopic antireflux surgery in a nationwide
Private individuals · EU citizens and long-term residents · British citizens · Moving to someone in Sweden; Becoming a Swedish citizen. Journal , The Boston medical and surgical . Georg B. Shattuck , editor . Boston . 4 : 0 . C Journal , British inedical . Being the journal of the British medical Surgery Bjog - An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology British Journal of Industrial Medicine British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Jag hade läst originalrapporten om detta i British Journal of Surgery.) Man behövde bara hitta en enda liten lipidansvälld neuron för att kunna ställa diagnos.
British Journal of Surgery, 106 (4), 477-483. Svensjo S, Bjorck M, Wanhainen A. Current prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysm in 70-year-old women. The British journal of surgery. 2013;100(3):367-72. Private individuals · EU citizens and long-term residents · British citizens · Moving to someone in Sweden; Becoming a Swedish citizen. Journal , The Boston medical and surgical . Georg B. Shattuck , editor .
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The Surgical Outcome Risk Tool SORT – a preoperative risk
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The Surgical Outcome Risk Tool SORT – a preoperative risk
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