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This document showcases the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats that are faced by these businesses on an ongoing basis. إن معرفة ما هو تحليل سوات يُبين أنه واحدة من طرق التحليل الشهيرة المستخدمة في الأعمال، والتي يمكن تطبيقها على: تحديد موقع السوق الحالي، أو التحقق من صحة فكرة العمل الجديدة أو حتى التطوير الوظيفي الشخصي، ويُمكن بناء استراتيجية للشركة باستخدام تحليل سوات باتباع الخطوات How To Make A SWOT Analysis in Excel. Like PowerPoint, you can create SWOT analysis in Excel using both SmartArt Graphics and shapes. The benefit of making a SWOT analysis in Excel can be that you can present statistical data alongside your SWOT analysis and switch between sheets containing data charts and your SWOT analysis periodically to provide a detailed overview for a venture. Global Crafting and DIY Apps Market SWOT Analysis 2026 by Top Key Players: Sympoz Narvii Brit Media Doknow Gawkerverse Bluprint WikiHow Scripps Networks SmartPlant IHandy Quiltography Published on : April 5, 2021 Published by : anita Over the past two years, I’ve become really interested in the topic of personal strengths and weaknesses.I’ve tested many approaches for how to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and discovered 4 steps, which work the best together. SWOT = Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats.