Technical recommendations for monitoring - EU-OSHA

ompliance and reporting obligations Status of these guidelines 1. This document contains guidelines issued pursuant to Article 16 of Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010 1. In accordance with Article 16(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010, competent The recommendations have been integrated in the present guidelines and will be repealed when the guidelines enter into force. 5. Outsourcing of important or critical functions, in particular when the service provider is located outside the EU, creates specific risks both for institutions and payment institutions and for their European Atlas of Natural Radiation.

Eu radon guidelines

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Radon exposure is responsible for approximately half of the total ionising radiation that the average human being receives in a lifetime (followed in magnitude by This chapter presents the components for developing a national radon programme and a framework for the organization of such a programme at the country level. A radon programme should aim to reduce both the risk for the overall population exposed to an average radon concentration and the risk of individuals living with high radon concentrations. AML/CFT COLLEGES GUIDELINES 1 JC 2019 81 16 December 2019 Final report on Joint guidelines on cooperation and information exchange for the purpose of Directive (EU) 2015/849 between competent authorities porous and permeable to allow radon to migrate with soil gas and enter overlying buildings. Activity concentrations of radon in the ground are often of the order of 100,000 becquerels per cubic metre (Bq m-3) of soil gas. Where radon is released to open ground, concentrations in air are low: the UK average is 4 Bq m-3 (Wrixon et al, 1988).

Where radon is released to open ground, concentrations in air are low: the UK average is 4 Bq m-3 (Wrixon et al, 1988). these Guidelines do not apply to agreements with final consumers where the latter are not undertakings, since Article 101 only applies to agreements between under­ takings.

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pade med förekomst av radon i bostäder eller dricksvatten. Tre huvudområden har Finland är de länder inom EU som är minst utsatta för natur- olyckor. Flera remissinstanser menar att radonkravet på max 100 Bq/m3 är för skarpt relevant EC requirements and refer to TS 16516 and later to EN  av A McGlinchey · 2020 · Citerat av 10 — In the European Union, all uses of PFOS are now prohibited under Directive This study was conducted according to the guidelines in the Declaration of  av C Thellbro · 2017 · Citerat av 8 — democratically sanctioned, strategic MCP to guide legally binding spatial planning and basis of EU directives; “fågeldirektivet” (European Council Directive 2009/147/EC on the conservation of Geology bedrock incl.

i svensk lagstiftning. Ny lag om strålskydd. - Uppsala kommun

EU Human Rights Guidelines. An integral part of EU's Human Rights Policy is a series of Guidelines on issues of importance to the EU. EU Guidelines are not legally binding, but because they have been adopted at ministerial level, the Guidelines represent a strong political signal that they are priorities for the EU and it An integral part of EU's Human Rights Policy is a series of Guidelines on issues of importance to the EU. EU Guidelines have been adopted at ministerial level and they represent a strong political signal that they are priorities for the EU and its Member States. A document providing guidance on the scientific or regulatory aspects of the development of medicines and applications for marketing authorisation. Although guidelines are not legally binding, applicants need to provide justification for any deviations. For more information can be found under Scientific guidelines.

Eu radon guidelines

Radon. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer. You can’t see or smell radon.
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radon and lung cancer risk, the arithmetic mean is the most relevant indicator to assess the impact on public health.

Where radon is released to open ground, concentrations in air are low: the UK average is 4 Bq m-3 (Wrixon et al, 1988). these Guidelines do not apply to agreements with final consumers where the latter are not undertakings, since Article 101 only applies to agreements between under­ takings. (3) By issuing these Guidelines, the Commission aims to help companies conduct their own assessment of vertical agreements under EU competition rules.
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these Guidelines do not apply to agreements with final consumers where the latter are not undertakings, since Article 101 only applies to agreements between under­ takings. (3) By issuing these Guidelines, the Commission aims to help companies conduct their own assessment of vertical agreements under EU competition rules. The standards Radon Measurement Services Registration Form and Guidelines 1. Background This registration scheme is open to both radon measurement laboratories and suppliers of radon detectors for the measurement of radon in homes and workplaces. The purpose of the scheme is to: meet the requirements of S. I. No. 30 of 2019.